Aminet 13
Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso
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V1.00 (??-??-93) - First public release of World-Clock under the Mystic-Label
+Has the same view like S-Watch V3.3, exept the font which
was drawn by aXe/MST. Wrote during the fact that S-Watch
won't run on my A4000 'coz it's a compiled Arexx-Script!
V1.10 (??-??-94) - Second public release, this time under the TRSI-Label
+Added 3 different digit styles. Many thanx must go to the
artists Count Zero/Scandal, Amblin/Dezign and AXE/MsT.
+Whole Clock is now completly configurable from the
sysop-side via Icon.
+Better Error-Handling. If some values couldn't be found,
World-Clock now using internal defaults instead.
V1.11 (09-16-94) - Internal Update
+During an error in the new Amiex V4.++ i have changed the
routine to read the local Systemtime. In some cases Amiex
adds six hours to my time ???! Now the time will be get
from the system....
+Made some Codeimprovements
V1.12 (09-18-94) - Internal Update
+Changed the reading of the systemtime from the ANSI-C
function getlocaltime() to the ADOS DateStamp() and
StrToDate() functions...decrease the codesize (5KB!) and
gives more flexibility/speed. The Day will be translated
to the language you have choosen in Sys:prefs/locale, also
the format of the date will be displayed in your language-
format, i.e. for Germany it's 31.12.94 .
+Fixed some little bugs...now u don't need the .info file
to use the clock. If World-Clock don't find it it will
use internal settings and only displays the local time
and date, coz for the World-Times you have to set the
V1.13 (09-30-94) - Internal Update
+Added a new ToolType (DATE_FORMAT), which allows you to
choose your favourite Date Format. Valid values are :
DOS (dd-mmm-yy) USA (mm-dd-yy)
INT (yy-mmm-dd) CDN (dd-mm-yy)
For more information look into the Doc-File. Default-
setting for this is the format used by locale.library.
+Added the "Animation-Mode" ...enter at the Amiexprompt
'T a' and the Clock will update the display every second,
until you press CTRL-C ...suggestion from many users..now
here you have it...:)))))
+Fixed a little little bug in the digits from Axe/MST. I
have mad an error which destroyed the display after a while.
Now all is correct...
V1.14 (10-10-94) - Update for Beta-Testers (FOX,DELTA-X,ARGON,DEATH ANGEL,
+Fixed the annoying Bug with the Cursor in Animation-Mode.
Now the buggy Cursor won't displayed anymore...:)
+Made some cosmetical changings.
+Added my *FIRST* Registration-Routine, 'coz after the
FAKE Release of my Viewer I decided to add to all BETA-
Versions a Registration. Hope that such fuckin' Fake-
releases doesn't appear in the next time....!
V1.15 (10-17-94) - Beta-Update
+Added a charset painted by RedSkin/aRT! Big THANX dude.:)
This charset has the number 3 , so if you want to use it,
enter CHARSET=3 in the Icon of World-Clock.
V1.16 (11-13-94) - Last Public Update
+Added a new command called 'E' , with this command all
users could configure the whole clock to their own needs.
A preference-file will be created in the dir you stored
World-Clock called 'CLOCK_PREFS.<x>' , where <x> is the
slotnumber. Whenever a Preferences-File is found, all
settings from the prefs-file will be used...hope u like
V1.17 (12-14-94) - Internal Update....
-Found a little Enforcer-Hit (Byte-Read!) ...now fixed...
V1.18 (09-02-95) - Update, maybe Public Release...
+Added another great charset painted by the incredible
2fAST from aRTcORE! This charset had the number 4...
+Added two new ToolTypes (DATE_LINE & LOCATION_LINE), which
allows the Sysop to define this Lines for his own needs.
More about this in the Doc-File!
+Rewritten the dOC-File a little bit. :)